Monday, September 10, 2007

My Silly Nephews

I have very silly nephews and every time I go to visit them we play very creative and interesting games together, whether they involve trains, star wars legos, deep dark jungles or light saber battles.

This last visit the main game we were playing involved them being groundhogs who were hiding under mounds of pillows in the living room. I would have to try to take their pictures as they popped up out of the pillows. An entirely silly adventure, which really didn't yield very many clear photos, but fun photos none the less.

Wendy's Trip Pictures 016

Wendy's Trip Pictures 017

Wendy's Trip Pictures 022

Wendy's Trip Pictures 021

Simon, whose about 18 months was getting into the pile of pillows with his older brothers and was having a fun time of it.

I love the fact that whenever I play with Jaron (6) and David (4), they always make me the bad guy. When we play light sabers I'm always Darth Vader! I also love the fact that I always end up "dying" the most, but after about 10 seconds I get to come back to life so that I can keep playing. Sometimes I'll play dead for a little longer just so I have a chance to rest. Kids have endless amounts of energy to be creative and I just can't keep up.

All I can say is that I may not want kids of my own yet, but I really like being an aunt and I'm going to miss those 3 kiddos this next year.

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